IT hunts for ECE

Last decade, IT companies had much graze among the young graduates, and among people looking out for new jobs. Experience people in and out of this field say that IT wont survive for more years. They say projects available for IT companies are getting reduced. However peoples needs also matters. People using computer systems, internet, softwares etc., needs better quality softwares, newer and friendly user interface, better graphics etc. As long as needs exist, IT companies will get the projects. But the number of development projects will be definitely less. Since they are going to make changes with the existing softwares and codes which is time saving and efficient.

Most students of final year, awaiting campus in Tamil Nadu, look out for one such IT company. Reason is simple, high pay in the starting of the career. Though I don't know about the working environment and the hours of word/day, I have heard people saying that IT companies that pay high expect more work and more hours of work from people. But still interest towards IT companies are growing. Only a few tend to move towards the core companies, especially people in ECE.

When we had campus interviews, more than 60 % students in our college are placed in IT companies. Top IT companies always look out for ECE students. Few reasons are, they believe that ECE students can grasp things quickly (God only knows), ECE students can be put in many different project areas, and last important one, they don't run away to other companies as they know something but not more about computers and languages.


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