Wish you a Happy New Year 2011 1 comments

Wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2011.

using(SPSite site = new SPSite("http://e-infotainment.com"))
using(SPWeb web = site.AllWebs.Add("http://e-infotainment.com/applications/sharepoint-tool/"))

Well wonder what it is ? We have just created and released a new application - SPTool v1.0 - Beta. Do check out the tool :)

Windows not booting even after fomatting 0 comments

Recently I was facing an issue with my laptop. There was lot of problems with my system so I used my Recovery CD to re-install everything. Though it said it is going to format the windows partition of the drive, when I saw my system after the installation is complete, I was shocked to see it formatted all my partitions and did the factory restore. My bad, I did not think about what this restore factory defaults will do. I lost all my data :(. Thinking of recovering the data, I downloaded various Data recover software. Finally I found something which is really good - Easeus data recover wizard. I tried to recover data 4 or 5 times, but on all the attempts it stopped at some point and did not give any response.

Suddenly one day my laptop again had some issue and failed to boot. I tried to get into Safe Mode, but it got stuck at loading "CRCDisk.sys". I tried to use my Recovery CD and also Vista CD, to try and get my OS back and running. But even it failed to start the installation. Since my HDD is not detected by Windows XP, even I couldn't install Windows XP. Even I could'nt format the HDD as even the Hiren's Boot CD I used also could'nt load the necessary files that is needed to start up the applications in it.

This is the time I looked out for something like a Live OS, so that I could boot using a CD or USB. Then I came across Bart's PreInstalled Environment. I used the following url to create a Live OS by following the steps mentioned in here. I faced some problem in properly creating the bootable USB from the BartPE. While reading the comments in that link, I saw the PE2USB. It is a software for creating bootable USB from the BartPE. Instead of using the command line steps that were mentioned in the link, we could use this software to create the USB.

I was able to boot up Windows XP from the USB. But I was not able to install the necessary softwares such as Partition Magic in the Windows due to some limitations and also because of the fact that default settings did not include Windows installer in the Windows XP. As I did know much about slipstreaming various softwares in the windows XP, I was looking out for a way to come out of my problem. Further search in the comments on that page, led me to Ultimate Boot CD. It contained many softwares/plugins for creating the BartPE. So I used this to create the BartPE, and then used PE2USB to create the bootable USB.

After that I entered the windows, formatted by HDD and then installed the OS again. Again I tried to recover my data, and still not able to finish it 100%. After this boot problem began to come again and again even after formatting. Now I was very much worried. I was in no clue whether it is a MBR Virus/Registry/driver/software/hardware problem. Sometimes the boot stops at CRCDisk.sys in the safe mode, sometimes in blank screen with "Loading System Files" alone, sometimes blank screen, sometimes infinite restart loop, sometimes in the Loading windows screen, etc. I decided that all my data is gone :(. Then I tried to recovery the data from the Windows XP booting from USB. Now it was able to complete the recovery. Then only I realised that I was using the software in the same partition as I want to recover data. Finally I bought an external HDD and copied my recovered data to my external HDD.

Still I had the boot problem, but I was little happy that I have recovered most of my data. Whenever I install the OS, it will work ok for the first day and again the next day it will not boot. I was search for various CRCDisk.sys problems and there solutions. Some I was not able to try because I did not have enough options in my BIOS to change the settings. I tried installing new drivers, did Low level formatting and many other things. But still the problem existed. Finally I tried to go one step at a time. After I install an OS, I wouldn't install any drivers and see if is booting the next time. This time I also found an option in the HDD properties (MyComputer -> Properties -> Device Manager -> Select HDD -> Properties -> Policies tab) for enabling write caching. By default it was checked. It also had a note that there is chances of data loss. More information about Write Caching can be found here. So I thought I should try to disable this option. Then I started to install one driver at a time and see if the OS is booting without any problems. So far I haven't got any problems :). I hope the reason for boot failures was even before the data is written to disk my system should have shutdown and it should have caused some problems while booting the next time.

Thanks to many resources that helped me come out this problem (Atleast till now) :)

Hope this helps if someone is facing some similar issue. More solutions to similar problem can be found here

Worst Tamilnadu Counseling System 1 comments

There are lots of question about the standard of Education System in TamilNadu. Added to the low standards, the counseling system followed for filling the seats in the Anna university affiliated colleges have become worse in the past few years. Till one or two years after I joined college, the priority given to students for selecting the college was based on the Board Exam marks in the main subjects and also the marks scored by the student in the Entrance Exam (which tests the analytical ability of the student). When the entrance exam was there in effect, students who had analytical abilities had more change to get better rank, and hence good college. Students cannot just get good college with only the by-hearting skill they have. They have to apply their mind to score high in the entrance exam.

The year in which I attended the counseling for joining my college is the turning point in the counseling system. That year had lot of confusions that led to a worst decision by the Education Board in TamilNadu. Lot of problems came in the year, including - arguments on wrong questions, re-evaluation of the Entrance Exam twice, delay in counseling. This is the year which started the argument on whether to have Entrance exams for ranking students for counseling. The argument arose because of the lack of facility for people from outer-city to join couching classes for preparing for the Entrance exams. Since the year had many other problems in the counseling, it paved the way for eliminating Entrance exams for determining the rank.

Now with that decision, the system has got worse. Anyone who can by-heart the subjects very well can get very good colleges. The state board/matriculation education board in TamilNadu is designed for students to think analytically the way it is in CBSE board. There are 1000's of people who score very good marks because of the type of education system in Matriculation/State board. This is a big disappointment for CBSE students. My cousin who studied in CBSE, scored around 190/200 and he ranked 12000 odd and he is now facing difficulty in getting a good college in the counseling.

If the non availability of facility for students out of City is the only reason for eliminating the Entrance exam, shouldn't the TamilNadu Government provided the facility to those people rather than taking such worst decisions !!

Sign-up offer is limited to one per customer 1 comments

I have signed up for Adwords long time back and while signing up I have used a Promotional Code. Today I received a Promotional Code from Google. So I logged into my account to use the Promo code I received. While I used my code and clicked on Redeem, it displayed the message "Sign-up offer is limited to one per customer". It means that I could use promo code only once after creating an account. Since it is against the TOS to create multiple accounts, there is no point in Google sending the Promotional Code. Also I don't have any clue why the Promotional Code option is available in my Adwords Billing page when Google knows that I have already used a Promotional Code. Why not such a big company as Google implement a check condition while sending out the promo code ? and save time for its customers !

Time not equal to Money for me 2 comments

I am writing this post with all disappointments I had in the past 1 and a half years of my internet life. One and a half years back, I was at home waiting for my Company to call me for starting my Training. That was the time I started this blog. My friend Erudite Says is also one of the inspirations for me to start this blog. He has quickly gained Page ranks and traffic, and started earning from his blog. He used to tell his alexa ranks, Page ranks and earnings he gets and some other of our friend gets using blog. So I started this blog.

During that time I was not with any intention to earn from this blog. So I never applied for paid posts, and never cared much about adsense. I was very much interested to get more traffic than my friend, and better his alexa and PR rankings. But I dint want to go for back links and Blog Rolls. The Affiliates you see in this blog are all those of my friends whom I know personally. I started writing few posts that I have learned during the time I started. As it was during the end of my college days, most of my posts are related to campus interviews, and few questions that were held on my mind. And then suddenly I thought of doing something which will fetch me more traffic. Creation of applications, which people can use in their website or blogs.

Well, the path I took is great, but the application which I chose to make is not well recognized. Poor Advertising ? I don't know. Thirukural Widget is the first application that I created. I know it is pretty much language dependent. And the percentage of internet users,web developers to be specific, is way too low for using the Widget. Thirukural is a lovely piece of work by Thiruvalluvar. It tells pretty much how one should be live and it is common across all horizons and at any time. It has been translated into Many many languages. So in order to make my widget recognised by more people, I introduced few languages other than Tamil in my widget. Of course the Thirukural and translations are taken from some other Website. But I really did not worry much for copying others work. I had a satisfaction that I was trying to bring about something which everyone should know and adopt. As a courtesy, I have put the link from where I got those Thirukural and also emailed the owner of the web pages (no replies yet). As I said earlier the application is not that broadly focued to make my blog popular.

Meanwhile I was also making few posts. My friend asked me for CAT question papers. Then I searched in net and made some collection of question papers from various websites. He was happy with that. Then I thought of sharing those with others so that they don't need to search all over the internet. So I blogged about the Papers. It got me some traffic. That was great!. But still I couldn't get past my friends in PR or Alexa or Earnings. But my traffic was almost in par with EruditeSays.

One day my friend asked me to create one template for his blog. Oh that was the day, I think If I had not got any thoughts on that day, I would have been happy. Why should I struggle taking one classic blogger template and I edit that. That is pretty tough If me or others wanted to make one. So I thought of making one Template Generator. I searched online, and I found one called Psycho and few others. But I was not very much impressed by the functionalities they had. So I started to write my own template generator. The result was Trix Blogspot Template Generator v1. I started it as v1 because I already had ideas for improving the application. I felt that this application would be very successful and It will be recognised pretty quickly than my first application. Worked on the application for about 2 to 3 months continuosly. While creating the application I had a requirement for selecting colors for various things like background, font, link color etc. So I created the Hex Color Code Generator. Meanwhile my company has called me for Training. It was a very tough time. Just about 1 week before I went, I opened the application for public. During that time I didn't own any domain. So I had my application in this blog itself. Posted about the application in few orkut communities.

Well, the traffic I got is not as much as I expected. I used to get around 40 to 50 visitors a day during that time. Then I was little busy with my Training and I had little chance to advertise the application or make further changes. Two or three months went by. Then I bought a Laptop so I got a chance to work a little towards my blog. So thought of improving the template generator. But I cant keep putting the applications in my blog. That was the time I went forward to get a domain. It was during my birthday I opened the website giving it a name Experience Infotainment. Ah great, I opened the website. Now I could quickly get some traffic and earn more. That was I thought. But with the traffic I got at that time I could hardly earn only 4$ a month. At that time my friends were pretty much far away from me in this regard. Meanwhile I was working on version 2 of Template Generator. The traffic was very steadily increasing and it was around 65 to 75 visitors a day when I released version 2. I was very much happy about the outcome of the application. My friend EruditeSays meanwhile have created few more blogs, and he is going ahead of me. He used to give me lot of ideas. But as always I will listen to him only after couple of months.

I was pretty much upset with the amount of earnings I got and the amount of work I put in a year. Then come google to support me. It offered 100$ Adwords promotional code. Then I signed up for Adwords and started advertising my Template Generator application. The traffic to my blog (excluding adwords Traffic) started increasing further and it went on to reach 100 a day. I was pretty much satisfied, but the amount I spent for my domain, hosting charges, advertising was well over what I received as Earnings from my website. Meanwhile I also developed the version 2 of Thirukural Widget and few other widgets like Friendship Calculator and Flames. Suddenly I realised that I was getting more traffic from google search for Friendship Calculator. To my suprise it was having number 1 for the search term Friendship calculator. Visitors count raised to around 120 per day.

Then came yet another advice from Erudite Says. Change the template of the website!! Under his guidance and from some other sources I made few changes and he said It is just ok, but not great. Well the change in template helped me a lot. Adsense earnings improved but not that great. It got around 10$ a month. Traffic was raising towards 140 to 150 per day. The traffic was still low, mainly because I wasn't aware of SEO during the period I started the website. Now I feel I could have dont it better. I was kind of ok with the traffic that has improved in the 8 months after opening website.

Then I came across many forums like Digital Point (Yeah I know that was way too late). I was having a look at how other people are doing with their online business. Though there were many who are like me earning very low, I was amazed to find that many are earning more than 30 $ a day. I dont know how to react when seeing at people who post "I earn over 30 $ a day". In one view, I was really frustrated that I earn way too low, but in another view, It increased the hope that one day even I could earn that much. So then I will start again to work more on advertising and making few more updates to the applications. I even started 2 more new applications. They are pretty bigger in scope, and I am not able to spend much time on those. So it will take more time to finish than what I expected.

Every now and then I will be very much disappointed about the time I have spent on my website and the earning I have got. And today that disappointment made me write this post. I am sorry that this is a long essay. So for those who are trying to earn from your website or blog, make sure you work with caution. You need to pick the right theme and work smart if you want to earn big. Earning from Internet is not that easy if you don't know the in's and out's.

Though I am a lot disappointed, I was pretty much happy that I learned a lot during the past 1 and a half year. Okay I am going to start again with the belief that one day I will earn more. Give your Best, Let Life Do The Rest. See you soon in my success story :)

5 mins faster 0 comments

Punctuality is something very important in our life. It creates an impression to others that he/she is interested towards something. Back in home, the struggles we come across to be there on time is pretty high. Everyone will have their own problems at home. It makes them start very late and rush to the place for reaching there on time.

Now I am not here to talk about the punctuality, but something which most people do to try being punctual. I am talking about "setting the clock at home 5 or more mins faster". It is something most parents do to make their children get ready on time. Though it is a good strategy, will it be efficient if the children/whoever knows that the time is already 5 or more minutes faster ? Definitely not. It is good if the person doesn't know about the timing. But once he/she gets to know the correct time, the person will think that "Yay, we have few more minutes. Clock is kept few minutes faster than actual."

What are the other effects of this ? Everytime we have to subtract few minutes to know what is the current time. Everytime a guest comes, we have to tell the guest, "its not yet time, the clock is 5 minutes faster". Are these things needed ?

Back to child hood days 0 comments

At times of trouble or disappoinments, we may think that "It would be great if I am still a small kid, unknown of any problems, enjoying play, running here and there, no ego, no selfishness, no lies". Inshort we would like to be in a trouble free world. Three or four years back, when I went to my relatives house in my native, I saw a small brick like game in my relatives house. There will be large number of small bricks and we could use them to build some buildings. Childrens used to play this with fun, constructing the house, destructing them again and again. I remembered the child hood days and started to build the house.

I successfully built a house and kept that in the show case of my relatives house. Recently I went to that relatives house, and I found that building still there :). So I took the snap of that building as a rememberence. It is always nice to enjoy something which we have lost in the past.

Wish you a happy new year 2010 :) 0 comments

2009 is something that I have to remember for some time. The year when I opened my first website - Experience Infotainment. Right from the start of this website, it has seen steady growth. I could see in Google Analytics, continous improvement in the traffic with more than 100 visitors a day. I remember the days when EI have been getting 40 members a day during the second month after opening. We are targetting to get over 300 visitors a day before the first anniversary of the website. And 125 members have been joined this website in over 7 months.

Page rank of EI started with 1 in the July update. And in the updated in october drop down to zero because of the redirection I added for urls starting with www. We are improving in traffics and users since then and hence got PR1 in the recent update in December 31st. Though PR1 is not a big deal, I am pretty much happy with the increasing search engine traffic.

In the first quarter of 2010, we will be coming up with two applications. We have been working on both the application simultaneously. The scope of the applications is pretty high for me, So the time span may vary for the release of the applications.

We would like the members to participate in the forums to help us grow and serve you better :)

Wish you all a happy and prosperous new year 2010.