Why 4.7 GB DVD stores 4.37 GB only ?

In computer systems, 1 Kilobyte actually denotes = 1024 Bytes

Similarly 1 Mega Byte (MB) = 1024 Kilo Byte (KB)

and 1 Giga Bytes (GB) = 1024 MegaBytes and so on.

What is printed on DVDs, that is 4.7 GB, is not calculated based on computer system.

Normally, 1Giga = 1000 Mega

and 1 Mega = 1000 Kilo

and 1 Kilo = 1000 units

4.7 GB printed is based on this above calculation.

It is a marketing strategy to show that, DVD's capacity can store so much. But in actual it can store only 4.36/4.37 GB.

4,700,000,000/1024 = 4589843.75 KB /1024 = 4482.27 MB /1024 = 4.37 GB

Thus when a DVD stores computer files, 4.37 GB of files of stored, and reported by computer as 4.37 GB (based on 1024 system of calculation). Manufacturers use 1000 system for calculation.

Note: 1 KB implies 1 Kilo byte and 1 Kb imples 1 Kilo bits. Normally small letter 'b' is used to denote bits and capital letter 'B' is used to denote Bytes. 1 byte = 8 bits.


Anonymous said...


Panko1 said...

Numbers sometimes lie.

Anonymous said...

fuck all those manufacturers who do this... stupid corporations

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